Location: Lima, Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima, Peru
Stars: 3.5
Rating: 3.5 (66 reviews)
Price: $0.00
Stars: 3
Rating: ( reviews)
Rating: 3.8 (101 reviews)
Hotel with suites in the Miraflores district
Rating: 1 (1 reviews)
Stars: 4
Rating: 3.7 (494 reviews)
Hotel in Lima near Antiguo Parque Salazar de Miraflores
Rating: 3.7 (13 reviews)
Hotel with 24-hour front desk near the Museum of Contemporary Art
Stars: 2.5
Rating: 3.7 (90 reviews)
Rating: 2.5 (2 reviews)
Location: Chorrillos, ZLU, Peru
Rating: 5 (1 reviews)
Rating: 4.1 (221 reviews)
Location: Callao, El Callao, Peru
Rating: 3.3 (548 reviews)
Rating: 5 (2 reviews)
Stars: 0
Hotel with breakfast included in Miraflores district